Sequim Seigaiha – Calm Waves with Lavender

Red to purple Japanese Waves with lavender.

Red to purple Japanese Waves with lavender.

I created my own “Seigaiha” Japanese Wave Pattern for silk fabric. This is the red to purple design covered with fresh stems of Sequim lavender that will become silk scarves. I’ll be selling these during the Sequim Lavender Farm Faire at Purple Haze Lavender Farm July 19 – 21, 2013.

FAQ to Renne: How many shoes do you have?


I did this chart for my Intro to Excel class at Peninsula College and then used it as a demonstration for my Website Design Basics class on how the “publicize” feature works with a WordPress blog.

Yeah, double dipping!

superhero tights series

I am doing a series of color studies of my tights. I love the moiré pattern created when I wear two different colored tights together. I have been wanting to do this series for awhile and I don’t always to shoot them each day. I hope to capture the playful and visual interference. Just another delightful way I take joy in physics principles every day.

I have always worn tights. It is hard to express the appeal they have for me beyond the color, warmth, shine, quantum mechanics, and protective force field they create. Of course, being a superhero, they could be considered a requirement. I’ll share them as they come along.