11th Annual North Olympic Fiber Arts Festival in Sequim WA is October 1 & 2, 2016

The Fiber Arts Extravaganza at the City of Sequim Civic Center Plaza in 2015

North Olympic Fiber Arts FestivalJoin us for this interactive fiber arts event connecting to the community with activities like a museum exhibition, workshops, educational demonstrations of fiber processes, hands-on projects for children and adults, Fiber Arts Market of local artists’ work and fiber supplies, and information about local fiber activities, groups, businesses, and instructional resources. Excellent volunteers make this community event possible including several local fiber arts groups, artists, fiber friendly businesses, and educational organizations. We are grateful for their fostering natures and fiber arts talents. The North Olympic Fiber Arts Festival is an opportunity to experience positive inclusion, creative expression, and the economic enterprise of art. Always encouraging genuine growth and artistic integrity, most activities are free to the public and all forms of fiber art are welcome.

Saturday, October 1
Each year on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., we have an action-packed Fiber Arts Extravaganza full of free educational demonstrations, hands-on engagement for all ages, and Fiber Arts Market. The Fiber Arts Extravaganza is at the City of Sequim Civic Center Plaza on the NW corner of Cedar Street and Sequim Avenue. Visitors will have the opportunity to shop for items from fleece to finished products including apparel, household goods, and supplies to create your own fiber works. Demonstrations vary from spinning yarn, felting, knitting, hooking, weaving, and hand stitching. Learn more about local artists and fiber related groups to join our growing and supportive community. Bring your friends and family to discover the many forms of fiber arts and make some new friends too. I will be selling my art apparel during this event.

Sunday, October 2
From 12 to 3 p.m., come to the “Material Measurement – Magnitude, Meaning & Makers” Artists’ Reception at Sequim Museum & Arts where you can meet the exhibiting artists from near and far who may reveal the stories behind their creative and splendid work. These fiber artists also enjoy hearing your fiber tales. You might inspire a collaborative project for next year!

To inspire you and the next generation of fiber artists, the Fiber Arts Juried exhibition has a unique, accessible theme each year to inspire artists to create new works or bring out older works that they haven’t had occasions to share. This year the themed “Material Measurement – Magnitude, Meaning & Makers” exhibition is about vindicating the volume and importance of all fiber in its many forms while reflecting on textiles, tales, and talent through enlightenment, abundance, accumulation, and perception. Conspicuous consumption or considerate consequences, creators convey cloth’s transformation from meaningless mass into something that matters.

Friday, October 7
First Friday Art Walk Sequim “Material Measurement – Magnitude, Meaning & Makers” 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at 175 West Cedar St. SequimArtWalk.com

The Fiber Arts Extravaganza at the City of Sequim Civic Center Plaza in 2015
The Fiber Arts Extravaganza at the City of Sequim Civic Center Plaza in 2015

“Courage to Encourage: Origin Story Lessons” at @fcvw Federal Consortium for Virtual Worlds Conference on March 7

Superhero Origin Story

Superhero Origin Story

Join me March 7 at 12:30 PM PST for “Courage to Encourage: Origin Story Lessons” at the Federal Consortium for Virtual Worlds Conference. The event is online in a virtual world, please go to this site to register http://consortium.militarymetaverse.org/

My presentation provides step-by-step guidance for instructors and trainers to tap into inspiring students through developing their mission and how that pursuit fuels their educational drive and development. Every student superhero has a catalyst that changes their lives and is the incentive to improve themselves and the world around them. Discover students’ origin stories and principal motivation to turn passion into positive projects and promote partnerships.

Virtual worlds foster flexible, imaginative play to reveal and utilize students’ individual stories. Create a safe learning environment where this vulnerable intersection transforms into a lesson of confidence, compassion, and connections with other superheroes. After exploring the events and elements of their influential story, implement transmedia storytelling through multimedia, blogs, social networks, and virtual world engagement to support student centered success and unique learning styles while inspiring universal listening, inquiry, and teambuilding.

Renne's red mary janes at the National Defense University in Washington D.C.

The last time I presented at the Federal Consortium for Virtual Worlds Conference it was at the National Defense University in Washington D.C. Dig my red mary janes! #FCVW #FCVW15 #besuper